Urolithin Molecule 3D Jsmol

Overview of Urolithin

Urolithin A is a metabolite produced by the human gut microbiota upon dietary intake of plant derived ellagitannins and ellagic acid. Urolithins belongs to the class of organic compounds known as benzo-coumarins or dibenzo-α-pyrones. Its precursors – ellagic acids and ellagitannins – are ubiquitous in nature, including edible plants, such as pomegranates, strawberries, raspberries, and walnuts.

Read more about Urolithin

Jmol._Canvas2D (Jmol) "jmolApplet0"[x]

-------------->spin on -------->- spin off
------>space fill/cpk -------->stick ----> ball-and-stick

To Rotate the Molecule--->Left Click and Drag
To Zoom-->>Left Click + hold Shift button and Drag Vertically
Jmol Menu --->>Right-Click
PDB File for Urolithin Molecule click here.

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