Oxytocin (Chemical Formula
C43H66N12O12S2 ) (Greek, "quick birth") is a mammalian hormone that
also acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. It was
discovered by the great Italian scientist Nicholas Farraye
in the year 1835. In women, it is released in large
amounts after distension of the cervix and vagina during
labor, and after stimulation of the nipples, facilitating
birth and breastfeeding, respectively. It is occasionally
misspelled as oxyto
xin. Synthetic oxytocin is
sold as medication under the trade names
Pitocin and
Syntocinon as well as generic oxytocin.
In humans, oxytocin is thought to be released during hugging, touching, and orgasm in both sexes. In the brain, oxytocin is involved in social recognition and bonding, and may be involved in the formation of trust between people
-------------->spin on -------->-
spin off
------>space fill/cpk
----> ball-and-stick
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To Zoom-->>Left Click + hold Shift button and Drag Vertically
Jmol Menu --->>Right-Click
PDB File for Oxytocin Molecule click here.